About the Consumer Project on Technology
Basics The Consumer Project on Technology was started in 1995. Our work is documented extensively on the CPTech web page. Currently CPTech is focusing on issues concerning the production of and access to knowledge, including medical inventions, information and cultural goods, and other knowledge goods. Much of this work concerns intellectual property policy and practices, but some of it concerns different approaches to the production of knowledge goods, including for example new business models that support creative individuals and communities, and new incentive systems for investments in medical and agricutural inventions, such as those involving prizes and/or competitive Intermediaries. We also do some work on electronic commerce and competition policy.
CPTech works mostly in English, but requests for information in Spanish should be directed to Judit Rius Sanjuan, and requests for information in French should be directed to Manon Ress.
Main Staff
CPTech in Action
CPTech's main support is from grants received from the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation and the Open Society Institute. We also receive some contributions from individuals.
Contact Us Our Washington, DC postal mailing address, telephone number and fax are:
Consumer Project on Technology
1621 Connecticut Ave., NW, #500 Washington, DC 20009
Tel: +1.202.332.2670
fax +1.202.332.2673
Our Geneva postal mailing address and telephone number are:
Consumer Project on Technology
1 Route des Morillons
CP 2100
1211 Geneva 2
Tel: 41 22 791 6727
Our London postal mailing address and telephone number are:
Consumer Project on Technology
24, Highbury Crescent, London, N5 1RX,UK.
Tel:+44(0)207 226 6663 ex 252.
Mob:+44(0)790 386 4642.
Fax: +44(0)207 354 0607
Donations We can always use contributions. Tax deductible contributions (under 501(c)(3) of the IRS code) can be sent to CPTech at the address given above, made out to Essential Information, with a note that the money is to be spent on CPTech. CPTech is a project of the Center for the Study of Responsive Law and Essential Information.
Privacy CPTech does not collect much information from web users except for the standard logs of usage, which we sometimes look at to understand how our pages are being used. We do not sell this information, or permit it to be used for advertising or any commercial purposes. There are privacy issues in the CPTech managed mail lists. The main issue is that most of our lists are archived on the web, and messages posted to lists may be viewed from the CPTech web page, or even picked up by various web searching spiders, so what you post will be public.
Our general policy is to make the subscriber lists private, to prevent persons from collecting the names for other lists. However, on some smaller private lists we manage, the subscriber list may be available to the list subscribers. We do not sell or give away the subscriber lists, and we do not use the names from one list to create a new list.
If you write to us and do want the message to remain private, please indicate. The CPTech staff normally use their own judgement as to which messages can be shared or posted on lists. Corrections or suggestions to Julie Patel—julie.patel@cptech.org