Statement proposed by Chair of TRIPS Council

February 5, 2003

Before proposing the adoption of the text of 16 December 2002,1 would like to put on record a number of understandings which have emerged from the discussions leading up to the formulation of this text.

The first is that all delegations have reconfirmed their commitment to the provisions of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health and to the need to respect fully its provisions.

Secondly, delegations have made it clear that they see the system that we are establishing under paragraph 6 of that Declaration as being essentially designed to address national emergencies or other circumstances of extreme urgency.

Third, delegations have recognized the need to avoid undermining the importance of intellectual property protection for the development of new medicines and have also reaffirmed that the TRIPS Agreement does not and should not prevent Members from taking measures to protect public health.

Having put on record these understandings, I would propose the adoption of the draft decision contained in ...


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