Statement of CPTech on TRIPS amendment.

James Love, 6 December 2005
mobile: +1.202.361.3040

“Today the WTO created some space in its patent rules for exports of generic medicines, but at a high price. The new WTO rule is complicated and designed to increase political pressure on countries that export or import generic medicines. It is protectionist by design. The US, the European Union and a handful of high income countries are allowed to bar imports from developing countries, even if they issue a compulsory license. Trade negotiators for the US, Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan and New Zealand have “opted-out” of the agreement as importing countries, even in cases of public health emergencies -- a completely irresponsible decision coming in the middle of concern over an avian flu pandemic. The developing country negotiators were bullied and pressured by the big pharmaceutical companies and the EU to accept this deal, but they should have put up more resistance. Everyone will have to make the best of this, and try to make it work, but it is an awful decision. It is anti-consumer, anti-competition, and anti-free trade.”

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