CPTech Statement at the Second Session of the PCDA

28 June 2006

Thank you your Excellency,

As this is the first time that CPTech is taking the floor, we would like to congratulate the Chair and Vice chair for their elections.

Our main points are the following.

The development agenda is a debate on whether or not WIPO will have the types of discussions about IP policy that are necessary to make good public policy.

Will we use cost benefit analysis and other tools to evaluate proposed treaties?

Will WIPO consider the impact of IPR norms on other methods of supporting creative and inventive activity? For example, will WIPO look at the impact of patent or copyright policy on technology standards making activities?

Will WIPO embrace more sensitivity on issues like access to medicine or access to knowledge, particularly as members face more pressure on enforcement of intellectual property?

There are many measures that would send this signal including the proposal for a treaty on access to knowledge, impact assessments on the proposed broadcasting treaty, and a review of implementation of paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and public health.

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