Global Trust Fund

CPTech Page on spending initiative announced during President Bush's State of the Union Address.

Most information on this page is no longer up-to-date. For more current information on the Global Fund, and efforts to raise enough money to support it, see the Health GAP website.

Global Fund Documents

Health GAP Documents

UN Documents

Statements and Commentary on the Fund

World Economic Formum, New York, 2002

WHO Report on Health Investment and Economic Development

House International Relations Committe approves legislation for additional funds.

Bush asked to donate 5% Of Budget Surplus

On June 11, 2001, Africa Action sent a letter to President Bush signed by 65 leaders from several areas of civil society. Letter asks that the President set aside 5% of future surpluses to combat global HIV/AIDS, with the funds to be spent on both treament and prevention.

HR 2069 - Global Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Awareness, Education, and Treatment Act of 2001

This legislation, sponsored by Rep. Henry Hyde on June 6, 2001, would give USAID a $469 million budget for HIV/AIDS programs for each of the next two years. The bill would also provide an additional $50 million to africa for the purchase of antiretroviral drugs.


Yale Asks Bush for Larger US Contribution to Global Fund

May 19, 2001. President Bush delivers commencement speech at Yale University. The Yale AIDS Network (formed this spring as an outgrowth of the effort to relax the university's IP rights on the antiretroviral drug d4T) writes Mr. Bush, advocating a leadership role for the US in the proposed Global Fund for infectious diseases - begining with a substantial increase in the US government's donation.

US Contributes to Trust Fund

May 11, 2001. UN Secretary Kofi Annan meets with President Bush to build support for the proposed $7-10 billion trust fund to combat global AIDS. The US is donates $200 million, an amount considered far too small by AIDS activists.

UNAIDS Press Releases

CPT Page on Meetings Calling for Funding

Three Foundations Call for "Balanced" Approach to AIDS Crisis

On April 6, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the United Nations Foundation called for a "balanced" approach to the worldwide fight against HIV/AIDS, that would emphacize both prevention and treatment.

Press releases

News Stories
Havard Consensus Statement on Antiretroviral Treatment for AIDS in Poor Countries

On April 4, 2001, the Harvard School of Public Health released the "Harvard Consensus Statement on Antiretroviral Treatment for AIDS in Poor Countries." Noting the recent wave of offers of price cuts, the statement calls for wealthy nations to develp an HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment Trust Fund" to pay for the purchase and distribution of medicines. This trust fund would cooperate with the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, the US NIH and the Centers for Disease Control. The plan put forth hopes to treat "1 million AIDS patients in Africa receiving antiretroviral therapy within three years at a cost of about $1.1 billion per year." Critics have pointed out that this figure is very low, relative to the number of people living with HIV worldwide.

Harvard Documents on the Consensus Statement

News Stories, General

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