Statement of Interfarma - Brazilian Research-Based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association - on Bill 22/03

June 2, 2005

Due to today's publication of articles on the national press addressing Bill 22/03 approval by the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Committee of the House of Representatives, which specifically includes drugs for AIDS prevention and treatment among non-patentable inventions, created by Representative Roberto Gouveia (PT-SP), the following explanation becomes necessary:

Interfarma - Brazilian Research-Based Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association - believes that the non-compliance to the Brazilian Patent Law creates a barrier to the introduction of new investments in the internal market. Furthermore, such a behavior would not bring the so-pursued solution to the issue of AIDS treatment access.

Patents assure increasing investments in research and development (R&D) for new drugs. Just to have an idea, in 2003, global pharmaceutical industry invested 18% of total sales amounts in R&D, which corresponds to US$ 45 billion. Pharmaceutical industry is one of the highest investor industries when compared to other areas, such as electronics (6%), telecom (5%) and automotive (4%).

Without patent protection, patients would be highly unlikely to receive such new drugs with proven quality, effectiveness and safety. The continuous investments in research and the creation of new products designed for improving population's quality of life and saving lives are only warranted by the patent-exclusivity period granted to the pharmaceutical manufacturers.

We remain at your disposal for any additional information that may be required.

Gabriel Tannus
Presidente Executivo da Interfarma
Associação da Indústria Farmacêutica de Pesquisa
Informações à Imprensa:
Lídia Andreatta - gerente de Comunicação da Interfarma
Fone: (11) 5180.2386 / celular: 9975.5555
Andréa Moraes -
assessora de imprensa Ketchum Estratégia
Fone: (11) 5096.4334 ramal 236 / celular: 9965.6227.6227

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